VENUS | ASTM A838 | EN 10088-3 | DIN |
SOLO 12 | Alloy1 , Grade 2 | 1.4105 | X6CrMiS17 |
SOLO 21 | Alloy2 , Grade 1 | 1.4105 | X6CrMiS17 |
SOLO 34 | - | 1.4106 | X6CrMiS17 |
Our typical values for this grade’s physical properties are as follows.
Density | Specific Heat (20C) | Condctivity (20C) | Electrical Resistivity | Thermal Expansion | Curie Temperature | Modulous Elasticity |
7.62 g/cm3 | 460 J/Kg.K | 23 W/m/K | 600 µOmm | 11.9x10- /K | 660 °C | 220 kN/mm2 |
0.276 lb/in3 | 0.109 Btu/lb/F | 13.28 Btu/ft/hr/F | 360 ohms-cir mil/014 | 6.6x10 /F | 1240°F | 31.9 x 10-6 psi |
* Mean Coecient of Linear Thermal Expansion from 20 °C to 500 °C.
Our typical values for this grade’s physical properties are as follows.
Grade | Saturation (Bs) | Relative Permeability (µ) | Coercive Force* (Hc) | Residual Induction (Br) |
SOLO 12 | 1.6 T min | 400 min | 480 A/m max | 0.60 T min |
SOLO 21 | 1.6 T min | 1200 min | 206 A/m max | 11 T min |
SOLO 34 | 1.6 T min | 1600 min | 300 A/m max | 0.50 T min |
* Measured at Field Strength 60000 A/m